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Soos Creek Botanical Garden

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Table of Contents: Soos Creek Botanical Garden

Soos Creek Botanical Garden

See the flowers bloom! Soos Creek Botanical Garden is a beautiful garden in its own right, and it also hosts several horticultural, environmental, and historical education programs. Between March and mid-November, tours are available for $5 per person with a minimum of $30 per group; simply notify at least two weeks ahead of time to receive the tour! Soos Creek Botanical Garden and Heritage Center is open to the public, allowing visitors to explore beautiful, mature gardens while learning more about the fascinating history of Soos Creek Plateau.

Soos Creek Botanical Garden is committed to education, research, and stewardship that preserves plant life and the natural world for everyone to enjoy. The garden’s continuous improvement provides a great experience that shouldn’t be missed!

22 acres of Maurice Skagen’s garden used to be part of a 200-acre property that his Norwegian ancestors purchased between 1891 and 1905. Ole Evensen Oie bought the 160 acres from the Northern Pacific Railroad for $10/per acre in 1891, then Andrew Oie increased the size by purchasing an additional 40 acres later on.

For many years, Andrew Oie farmed the land on which the garden is now located. In the 1960s, Maurice Skagen’s parents bought a five-acre piece of the property. His parents then gave it to him in 1968. Over time, Maurice and James have expanded the original five acres by purchasing 17 more adjacent acres. The present garden encompasses more than two hectares (about 5 kilometers) from 132nd Avenue SE in Auburn, Washington, to a tributary of Soos Creek and several acres beyond.

Maurice became interested in developing stroll-style gardens after taking several trips to England and Japan in the mid-’80s, where he acquired plants from different nurseries. For example, he got tree peonies from Kyoto and Sorbus trees from England. In addition, over the course of 40 years, Maurice has purchased a wide variety of plants from various Pacific Northwest specialty nurseries.

Also, the Soos Creek Botanical Garden has a Heritage Center where you may learn more about the area’s history! The Soos Creek Plateau’s early settlers are studied in detail at the Heritage Center. An extensive collection of early photographs, historical maps, and relics from the region’s ancestors is on exhibit. When you visit, make sure to stop by!

Driving Directions To Overhead Door Company, An Auburn Garage Company, From Soos Creek Botanical Garden

Driving Directions To Game Farm Wilderness Park

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