Overhead Door Company of Puget Soundâ„¢

Garage Door

Before Getting a New Garage Door, Have an Expert Inspect Your Garage Door for Possible Money Savings.

How Long Does a Commercial Garage Door Opener Last?

If you’re in the market for a new garage door opener, you’re probably wondering how long it will last. Commercial garage door openers typically last anywhere between 10-15 years, depending on factors such as weather, frequency of usage, regular maintenance, and quality of garage door opener and garage door materials. In this blog post, we’ll

How Long Does a Commercial Garage Door Opener Last? Read More »

Image Text: 99.9% of the time, business owners should not use residential garage doors for commercial purposes.

What is the Difference Between Residential and Commercial Garage Doors?

Most people are familiar with residential garage doors. They are the ones that we drive by and into in our homes. But what about commercial garage doors? What’s the difference and what are they used for? Just as residential garage doors are utilized for easy vehicular and storage access, commercial garage doors similarly provide easy

What is the Difference Between Residential and Commercial Garage Doors? Read More »