Overhead Door Company of Puget Soundâ„¢

How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Garage Door Spring?

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Table of Contents: How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Garage Door Spring?

Garage Doors Need Regular Cleaning and Maintenance To Prevent Issues and Continue Working Properly.

Sooner or later, every garage door owner will need to replace a broken spring. They snap over time, become rusted, and can break easily. Although replacement costs for garage door springs might be expensive at first glance, keeping your door working properly, in the long run, is necessary. There are ways you can extend their lifespan so that, eventually, you won’t have to replace them as often.

Ensure They’re Installed Properly

If you ever need to replace your garage door springs or if you have to install new ones, be sure not to overtighten them. This can cause damage to your garage door mechanism and reduce its efficiency. Additionally, it will shorten the lifespan of the garage door spring itself and require more replacements to keep your garage door system running smoothly.

Overhead Door Company is the best option in Puget Sound for garage door springs and broken spring replacements. They are an excellent business with over 100 years of expertise and have solutions for any problem you may be experiencing with your springs, garage door openers, or any other components. Contact them today for a free garage door spring repair quote or more information about replacing a broken spring on your garage doors.

Make Sure You Keep Your Garage Door Clean

Keeping your garage door springs clean can help extend their life. Over time, dirt and grime may build up on the springs, resulting in decreased performance or even safety concerns during operation. If a spring breaks while you’re working on it, having them clear of debris will make it easier to identify the issue.

You should never use harsh chemicals or strong detergents on your springs, as this will damage the material. Instead, wipe them down with a cloth dipped in warm water and mild soap. You can also dry-wipe them periodically to keep them clean.

Eliminate Excess Weight

Be cautious when loading items onto shelves above your garage door, as too much weight could cause damage to your garage door springs, rollers, and fittings. If an item is particularly heavy, consider whether it really needs to be stored in that area above the top of the gap between your garage door’s top panel and frame; there may be a more suitable location or solution for your storage problem.

Use the Correct Garage Door Hardware

If you’re investing in a garage door system, choosing high-quality items from reputable brands is important. Low-quality goods can worsen the issue or cause you to waste time and money on additional repairs without solving the problem. Choosing reliable hardware and parts, even something as simple as a good garage door opener, will help prolong the lifespan of your springs by preventing them from breaking prematurely.

In other words, we aren’t saying that you should go out and buy the most expensive springs on the market. Commercial-grade springs are unnecessary for your family’s single or double garage door. We recommend using reliable, quality torsion springs and extension springs instead.

Get Annual Inspections and Save

An annual (or biannual) professional garage door inspection is one of the most important things you can do to keep your garage door operating smoothly and prevent serious damage that might require expensive repairs.

Average Garage Door Spring Replacement Cost?

The cost of repairing garage door springs will vary depending on the type, size, length, material, and thickness of the spring you need. The average door spring replacement cost hovers around $150-$300. Again, this can vary depending on the type of garage door spring, how severe the issue is, how many garage doors need a spring replacement, and labor and parts.

Note that if you have standard torsion springs, they might cost less to replace than extension springs. If you’re uncertain which type of garage door springs are right for your door, bring in a professional who can assess the situation and offer suggestions. Unless you are experienced in replacing garage door springs, we recommend seeking professional help to avoid potential injury.

What’s The Difference Between a Torsion Spring and an Extension Spring?

Torsion springs are usually found above garage doors, leaning against a metal tube. They help open and close garage doors by supplying the counterbalance needed for heavy or double doors. If you have a broken spring, it might cause your door to slam shut. Your professional garage door technician will need to disassemble the mechanism and delicately remove any snapped torsion springs present before replaced with new ones can be put in place.

Extension springs are commonly located on both sides of garage doors, running horizontally to the tracks. These springs aid in lifting the heavy door by stretching and contracting as it opens and closes.

Time To Replace Your Garage Door Springs?

If you want your garage door torsion springs or extension springs to last, avoid overloading the garage door by not putting too much strain on the system. This includes the doors, rollers, and hardware; if any of these are overloaded, it could cause problems. Keep them clean! If they get dirty, it leads to decreased functionality or safety while in use operation.

Don’t overtighten your garage door springs during installation. Choose high-quality hardware and parts for your garage door springs so you won’t have to spring for a new one anytime soon. Finally, have your garage doors professionally inspected annually to prolong the life of your garage door and save you money in the long run.

Never fear if you need a new garage door spring or several new door springs! The Overhead Door Company of Puget Sound will gladly help replace garage door springs. With over a century of experience in the business, they know everything there is to know about extension springs and torsion springs. So contact them today for some peace of mind tomorrow.

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