Overhead Door Company of Puget Sound™

Here’s What to Know on Commercial Garage Door Considerations

Aside from turning a profit, one of the most important things about business is protecting investments. That’s why buying a new garage door is a big deal since it aims to do just that. Not all garage doors are made equal, so picking one of high quality is ideal for several reasons. The most critical points are the following trio:

  • Building Codes
  • Appearance
  • Function

As the saying goes, time is money, which means slow doors or doors that require extra handling wastes time best spent elsewhere. That’s why picking out a garage door for your commercial venture is crucial. Several factors should be considered, such as longevity, material, and durability.

As you learn more about commercial garage doors, consider the following things:

The Existing Requirements of Your Local Building Codes for Garage Door Features

Building codes are regulations that apply to a building, materials, and all design, construction, and even maintenance. Commercial building codes will be great guidelines for what can and cannot be done or used in your area. Garage doors are a vital part of any building, so naturally, the safety standards in building codes also apply to them. Check-in with your local fire regulations and any needs for disabled persons, too.

The Garage Door’s Overall Look and Appearance

Aesthetics matter in any business, which means where the door’s going should be taken into consideration as well. Will it be going on your building’s front, making it part of the curb appeal? If it’s one of the first things potential and existing customers will see as they walk up, it makes sense to get one that looks quite nice, right? However, if the desired garage door is going in the back or to an area where just employees will see it, something functional that looks rough around the edges may save a few bucks. 

No matter the style, durability, and function, your needs should always come first.

The Way the Garage Door Will Be Used

What’s the point of the garage door in the first place? Will it be constantly opening and closing during the day for vehicles to go in and out? Will those vehicles have things like shipment or equipment for unloading? Will you be using the door to bar entry for an area that’s storage-centric? Understanding how you will use the door will ensure you get the right door for your application.


Now that you know the considerations for commercial garage doors, it’s time to do the shopping! Garage doors are valuable for any home and any retail space, and there are a number of them available on the market. However, before getting one for your building, consider how you will use it, the overall look and appearance, and local building codes.

Are you looking for commercial insulated garage doors or something else for your business? Drop Overhead Door Company of Puget Sound a line today! We offer garage door repairs, replacement, installation, and more. 

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